My Mom Stole My BoyFriend (true story)
Hi everyone! Today Julia will share her story with us. She will tell about the events that almost ruined her life, but she was able to cope with them and decided to tell you about them.
"Since childhood, I have not been the most beautiful kid. I was thin, too tall for my age, pale, and kind of clumsy, I could fall down on the level ground and stumble over my own legs. And my face was expressionless, the only distinctive feature was my big nose.
On the other hand, my mother is extremely impressive and quite a young woman. She had me very early, at the age of 17. But he decided that he didn’t need a burden like me and just paid off with money. And he still continues to pay off, or rather to pay alimony, but he is not going to meet me.
So basically, I do not know my father, but I suppose that I owe my appearance to him. I do not look like my mother at all, she is short, has a beautiful feminine body, and she is a natural blonde. And of course, we are not getting on well with my mom who is obsessed with her looks.
Perhaps, she was dreaming about a candy-girl like she is, with whom boys will fall in love and who will look great in cute dresses with ruffles.
All her parenting consisted in checking my homework, feeding me, and giving money for clothes. When I was about eleven, she even tried to pretend that we didn’t know each other if we went out to the crowded places. And then she even entrusted me with the responsibilities of buying clothes and other things.
So I had everything I needed, but I’ve never had a mother as such. But I had a best friend Jane! She was three years older than me, and everything was fine in her family.
Jane helped me with the classes that I could not understand, she taught me to communicate with other people, went shopping with me so that I did not look like a scarecrow. Jane helped me to survive what happened on my seventeenth birthday as it literally ruined my life.
When I was 16, I met a guy. He was an outstanding and charismatic boy who was 4 years older than me. It’s good that Jane caught me by the arm and lectured me on birth control issues, otherwise there would have been more problems.
We’ve been dating for the whole year. I truly loved him and I thought that he was also interested in me. We even planned a wedding for my coming-of-age celebration day. For that event, we were choosing an apartment, just for the two of us. And then I began to notice strange things.
Mom began to join us in our kitchen gatherings more often. She was theatrically stroking my head and praising me. Then, I was made to leave the apartment in a very unobtrusive manner, under various pretexts, either to immediately take out the garbage, or to run to the grocery store. In such situations, my boyfriend was left alone with my mother. Well, what could have happened in 10 minutes while I was absent?
As it turned out, a lot could happen. The last class at the university was canceled on that day, and I hurried home to have time to finish everything I needed to do before my boyfriend would arrive. It turned out that the sofa in the living room had already done a lot, and I did not need to hurry.
Yeah, exactly, like in a bad movie, I found my mother in bed with my boyfriend, whom I loved so much.And my mother added that one could date such an ugly creature as I just out of charity.
I do not remember how I got out of my house. Jane was pulling me from the roof of our nine-story building, and I quite seriously wanted to kill myself. But as a result, everything turned out okay. It took me more than a year to learn how to look at guys again.
Now I am 19, and this story no longer evokes any emotions in me. Everything burned out. So I’ve recently started working in a modeling agency, where my disproportionate, long, and thin body turned out to be perfect for demonstrating cool clothing collections of famous fashion designers. Apart from this, I am finishing to pursue higher education at the university.
I do not talk to my mother. Once I came her across, there was almost nothing left of her bright beauty. But I don’t feel sorry for them both, they chose their own paths themselves.
What I want to say in the end is that if you have ever experienced a tragic love in your life, like the post and let's support each other".
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