My Life With Dyspraxia (true story)
I have a dimple at the top of my right cheek everyone tells me it's cute but the truth is whenever I look at it it reminds me of the reason I got it when was about 4 I was climbing over a chair I fell and cut my face open against a table which left me with the dimple it's not the only scar on my face either I have loads of cuts and marks because I was always having accidents so eventually my mom took me to a therapist my mom told me she knew I had a serious problem when the therapist asked me to draw a simple straight line did it matter how many times he showed me how to draw it I couldn't copy him that's when I was diagnosed with dyspraxia it's sometimes called clumsy child syndrome so that's why I was falling over all the time dyspraxia means I have problems with muscle control affecting my movement and coordination my brain has difficulties with processing information as well facts go in but they fall straight out again so I can't remember things I used to get in trouble at school because teachers would explain something to me but five minutes later I'd forget what they just said everyone thought I was being the class clown when I said I couldn't remember but I was telling the truth after a while it wasn't so funny I struggled to learn how to read it wasn't until I was ten that those little squiggles on the page began to make sense but by then I'd gone from being the class clown to the stupid kid I got teased all the time people called me names nobody wanted to be friends with me when I went into the eighth grade everything changed I had a new teacher she was really patient and kind she arranged for me to be tested for dyslexia and I discovered I wasn't just dyslexic I was severely dyslexic soon afterwards I was diagnosed with dyscalculia as well it turned out I learned difficulties that affected my reading writing and math yay me now I had an explanation for why I'd been struggling so much in school things got easier it got extra help with my classes and my grades improved some people still teased me but when I told them about my diagnosis most kids were understanding I even made a few good friends and were you staying out together during lunch talking about comics and movies there are good things about having learning disabilities although I struggle with academic subjects I'm really creative it's like My Mind's bursting with ideas all the time and I have to express them with art I recently won a local competition for one of my paintings I was in the local newspaper and everything although my early years at school were really hard because of all my learning disabilities I feel like being dyspraxia has made me a stronger person I have good friends who love me for my strange little habits and understand that when I forget their name it isn't personal my brain just can't remember information very well I see the world in a very different way to most people and that's okay my learning disabilities might mean I process information differently but I'm not stupid I've been watching loads of videos about psychology and I love figuring out how the brain works maybe when I'm older I'll become a psychologist and help kids who have dyspraxia and dyslexia just like me
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