I Poked Holes Into My Boyfriend's Condom - true story
I Poked Holes Into My Boyfriend's Condom
I'm Lisa and I wanna tell you how I got revenge on my ex-boyfriend, Marc, after he cheated on me with the one girl I hated more than anyone else: Clarissa.
I used to be really good friends with her until 10th grade, when she suddenly turned into a complete bitch.
I told her I had a crush on Adam and asked her to keep it secret. But instead, she got up in front our class and told everyone that I was in love with him. Then she asked, “who wants to date Lisa?” And everyone screamed “No one!”.
I don’t why she hated me so much, but she turned everyone in our class against me until the only person who still talked to me was Marc. We started hanging out together and eventually we became a couple.
Nobody understood why Marc would wanna date me. He was popular and sporty, while I was the weird girl no one liked, but Marc always said he didn’t care about the opinions of others.
We were dating for a couple of years when I got a Facebook message from Clarissa that changed everything.
She wrote: "Your boyfriend says I’m better in bed than you."
I got so mad. I wanted to take a knife and go all psycho on both of them, but obviously I didn’t. Instead, I came up with a better plan.
I needed to know if Clarissa was telling the truth, so I stopped sleeping with Marc, telling him I had a headache whenever he wanted sex. Then I poked holes in the condoms he kept in his wallet so I could see whether they had been used or not.
I started checking his wallet at least once a week and there was always a brand-new condom. So Clarissa was telling the truth.
I didn’t know what to do, but then Marc told me he wanted to break up, because we weren’t having sex any more.
I got really angry and said he didn’t deserve me anyway, because he was cheating on me with Clarissa.
He looked shocked and asked me how I had found out about it.
I said: "Clarissa told me on Facebook that you were having sex together, so I poked holes into your condoms to see if you were using them. Oopsie?”
Marc completely freaked out and screamed, "YOU DID WHAT?!"
He looked seriously upset, like he might even hit me, so I quickly got out of there.
Now I’m dating Jake. He’s a total sweetheart and completely faithful. And I wish I had left Marc right when I found out about him and Clarissa.
Because you will never believe me what I saw, when I checked Clarissa’s Facebook. There was a photo of her and Marc with their newborn baby. Since Marc and I only split up 7 months ago, I guess my condom trick worked better than I expected.
At first, I felt amazing. And I wanted to tell Clarissa that she only got pregnant because of me.
But then I started to think about what might happen if I did. Maybe Clarissa would hate the baby, maybe even give it away.
Then it hit me. I had destroyed 3 lives. Marc always said he didn't wanna have kids until his 30s, so he could focus on becoming a professional soccer player. Instead, now he’s a dad at 19.
Suddenly, I felt ashamed.
I wanted revenge so bad that I didn’t think about the consequences. If I could take back what I did, I would, because if everyone behaved like I did and messed with other people’s lives, nobody would trust anyone.
That's not the world I wanna live in.
All I can say is, I'm sorry. I promise to not do something so stupid again.
At least they look happy in their photo and I really hope they stay that way. Because I want them to raise their baby with love.
I Poked Holes Into My Boyfriend's Condom - (true story)
Reviewed by sharemytales
July 14, 2019
Rating: 5
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