I Hate My Rich Friend
I Hate My Rich Friend - true story
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I Hate My Rich Friend - (true story) |
My friend Joshua is a rich jerk. We go to the same class and whenever I study for an exam he laughs at me and says "Bro, too bad you don't have rich parents like me, then you could relax more." This really makes me angry because my mom works 2 jobs and still barely makes enough money to feed me and my 2 sisters. I even had to get a weekend job at a call center, just so I can support my family. When Joshua heard about my job, he said: "I don't understand how anyone can slave away at a desk job." Well, of course, that's easy for him to say, because his parents constantly give him money to take trips all over the world. To make things worse, he always takes 4 to 5 girls from our school with him so they can all take endless instagram photos and brag about their amazing life. If that wasn't annoying enough, everyone in my school leaves stupid comments like "OMG, it's great that you have set your priorities straight!" or "You know how to enjoy life! This is much better than my boring summer job!" They all act as if Joshua is a genius just because he spends his parent's money on vacations. But in reality, he's just an entitled and arrogant kid that doesn't deserve anything he has. He also told me that he could never work for somebody else because “he has a problem with authority”. Well, that’s a nice thing to say for someone who never has to get a job and become a productive member of society. Instead Joshua told me that he wants to just travel the world and sleep with as many women as he can. That's why I hate him. He knows exactly how poor my family is and he constantly reminds me that he will have a much easier life than me. He will probably end up like this guy Dan Bilzerian who inherited a bunch of money and now brags about how much better his life is compared to most other people. I'm so sick of rich kids. Another joke that Joshua came up with last week, was that his first car is better than any car I'll ever own. Right now he drives a BMW x5, but he said he will get a sports car from his parents as soon as he successfully graduates high school. I know this sounds bad, but I really hope his parents go broke and lose all their money. Because it’s so unfair that an asshole like Joshua has such an easy life while the rest of us need to keep working so hard for so little money. However, I don’t think his parents will go broke anytime soon, so instead, I have to somehow build my own successful business and become richer than him and his stupid parents. Once I’ve done that, I will go meet him again and tell him that now he is poorer than me. I must take revenge for all those years that he humiliated me and made fun of me. That's the only way I can find peace with myself. Anyways, I'd love to hear about your opinion on this topic, so please leave a comment and tell me how you would handle this situation. And if you want this video to spread across the internet, then please share it. We have to stop celebrating rich jerks that make themselves feel better by putting everyone else down. Especially, as most of them inherited their money from their parents.
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